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Communication essentials


Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £4.00.

How to keep your relationships intact through menopause.

Our ebook is only available for a short time at this crazy low price of £4, so don’t delay.



Lots of women also tell us that their relationships really suffer through being impacted by menopause symptoms.  Mood swings, reduced sex drive, weight gain with loss of body confidence lead them to feel unattractive.  Many women feel that they lose their minds, bodies, and spirit through menopause symptoms. Many also fear losing their relationship too. We want to stop that happening. That’s why we wrote this ebook on communication essentials.

You want better relationship communication with the person or people who are most important to you. It hurts when you feel isolated and misunderstood. Conflict is painful. You want to get back in rapport so you can feel supported and loved.

When you read this ebook, you will come away with lots of ideas about how to get your relationship communication back on track. You’ll understand what’s happening in menopause and why it affects your relationship.

Written by an accredited sex & relationship therapist, the book is packed with tips and techniques to keep your relationship intact (Sarah Briggs is also a qualified menopause coach). With over 30 pages of information, you’ll get loads of top tips that will give you loads of good ideas to improve your relationship.

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