This set of ebooks brings together the knowledge and solutions you need. We cover a detailed briefing on what defines menopause and common symptoms that women describe all the time. What’s more, each ebook gives you practical solutions to core problems with menopause. We do this step by step so you can tackle your symptoms, regain control, to feel better in yourself.
Menopause Essentials takes you through the hormonal changes, the symptoms you’re experiencing, putting everything into context – all for your benefit to get a better grasp through menopause. The myths and benefits of HRT are also covered.
Nutrition for Menopause is a detailed guide to how menopause affects your nutrition needs because of hormone changes. You’ll learn how to adapt your diet so that symptoms reduce (including menobelly!).
Communication Essentials shows you how to get through menopause with your replationship intact. Even though menopause can slay your sex drive or leave your confidence at a low ebb, the tips and tools for better communication will help you express yourself and get your relationship needs met.
The Emotions ebook tells you why your moods are up and down like a rollercoaster because of hormone imbalance. The tools and techniques are a powerful toolkit to stay on an even keel. With your emotions under new management, you’ll feel better equipped to deal with the challenges of menopause.