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Nutrition & diet to support menopause health

Karen Briggs Share

Why it’s important

This year’s menopause awareness day’s theme was cardiovascular health.  Mainly because each year around twice as many women die from heart disease than cancer.  So what can you do? Well, a great way we can support our heart health (aside from lifestyle, exercise and reducing stress) is through our nutrition & diet.

Good nutrition can also help you manage your menopause symptoms, which is why we’re focusing on that this month.

By making relatively small adjustments to your diet, you can help reduce symptom severity.  You can feel generally a lot more in control.  Nutrition can also support you to improve your overall health, reduce risk of serious conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease, and improve general wellbeing during this period and beyond.

What women are experiencing

Around three quarters of women* say they experience unwanted symptoms in perimenopause and menopause, often including hot flushes, night sweats and palpitations.

If you regularly experience these symptoms then getting your blood sugar under control can really help.   Levelling out your blood sugar highs and lows is key here. We know good nutrition can help your body cope better.

What helps

  1. Increasing your intake of fibre.  This means eating lots of vegetables & fruit, ideally including them in every meal. Variety is key here, and including as many different colours as possible (orange, yellow, red, and green and especially dark ones such as aubergine, red pepper, dark cabbage, blueberries, blackberries).
  2. Including foods which contain phytoestrogens (plant-based oestrogen) which are in flaxseed, soybeans, chickpeas, nuts & seeds, for example. You can help reduce the impact of your lowering levels of natural oestrogen (and therefore symptoms) by incorporating these into your breakfasts, salads, stews or as healthy snacks.
  3. Reducing your intake of foods containing refined sugars can help as well.  By refined sugars we mean granulated or table sugar and those found often processed foods like sweets, biscuits, cakes, processed ready meals and many bought sauces… and by
  4. Checking bought food labels and if you see sugars, often referred to as
    • syrup or sweetener or
    • under carbohydrates, “of which sugars” or
    • anything ending in ‘ose’ like fructose or sucrose then avoid these.
    • In particular, when these words are near the top of the list (because they appear in order of highest to lowest ingredients) then you know that sugars have been added in higher quantities.  Avoiding or reducing intake of these foods will help level out your blood sugar and support not only your menopause symptoms but also your overall health.

Next steps

For our three top tips for improving your nutrition in perimenopause or menopause, download our free guide to nutrition and menopause to understand more and make a start today.

Find out more

If you’ve already downloaded this free resource, or would like to know more now, grab your copy of Nutrition & diet for menopause health which takes you though three key factors to understand good nutrition around menopause.   From what health concerns are affected by menopause, how a healthy diet can help you, which hormones are involved, top nutrition tips and recommendations, tackling weight gain, supplements and how you can get started it’s all covered.


* People born with ovaries.

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