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Get through menopause without going crazy

Sarah Briggs Share

There are unique factors for menopause survival. Unique to menopause. Unique to you.

The fact is that anyone born with ovaries will go through menopause sooner or later. The average age is around 50. Although some people have early onset, or menopause is triggered by surgery which removes ovaries like hysterectomies or other medical procedures. Menopause is when periods stop. Before then, in perimenopause, 3 key hormone levels drop away: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone.

What we hear

At Mentrix we’ve heard from so many women who feel like they’re going mad or losing their grip: forgetting things, brain fog, loss of concentration, lack of confidence at work, their bodies feeling bloated or fatter or unattractive, evaporation of their sex drive.

If this sounds like you, take heart! Our mission is to make menopause misery a thing of the past.

Effective immediate ways to handle menopause don’t have to be best-kept secrets.

Our summary of things that helped us the most are:

  1. Having a detailed conversation with your doctor. Often HRT – Hormone Replacement Therapy – restores the balance of those reducing hormones bringing immediate relief from menopause symptoms. Even if HRT isn’t right for you, there are other solutions your doctor can prescribe. (HRT gave Sarah complete symptomatic relief within days.)
  2. Taking a good hard look at what you put into your body. Loads of women tell us that reducing caffeine and sugar and alcohol help them sleep and balance their emotions. (This worked for Karen.)
  3. Get support. This can be from your partner, friends, colleagues, family. Let them know you’re struggling and ask them to help. They can totally stack the dishwasher and do some laundry if that helps you relax to take care of yourself when you need it.
  4. See what menopause support you can get at work. More and more companies are building menopause policies into their diversity and inclusivity guidelines. Menopausal women are the fastest-growing slice of the workforce. Menopause affects around 50% of all employees. It’s not a minority issue. The Equality Act (2010, UK) protects from discrimination by age and by sex – so that covers menopause!

We understand this can be a difficult time

But if you’re one of the many people who come to us, you might initially be a little bit bashful or reluctant or simply want to find out more from other women who understand. That’s why Karen and Sarah trained specifically as menopause coaches so we have the in-depth knowledge to help others.

This takes the form of free webinars, individual coaching and confidence sessions, group courses with like-minded people going through the same thing, plus a range of information sheets and ebooks so you can be clued up at every step along the way.

We’re here to help

There’s no need to suffer in silence. Resourcing yourself is a sure-fire way to go through menopause without going crazy.

Guidance from Mentrix is concise and compact in our free resources: Top 10 symptoms of menopause

Or check out our ebooks which effortlessly guide you through ways to handle menopause without going crazy.

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